random observations of the week that is

*Rahm Emanuel is a dick. That seems to be the consensus, and he represents the kind of attack dog partisanship I detest. That said, I wouldn’t read too much into his appointment as chief of staff. His job is to be the president’s gatekeeper. He won’t be the public face of the president, nor will he be instrumental in crafting policy. Maybe you need an asshole in that position. Still, I hope we don’t see an abundance of hacks in Obama’s administration.

*If Republicans weren’t so wed to narrow-minded ideologues Bush would’ve never been president. They could’ve nominated McCain in 2000, but he committed the cardinal sin of badmouthing narrow-minded fanatics like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. The base then lined up behind Bush, he fucks up, and now McCain takes the fall. In retrospect I wish Mitt Romney had won the nomination — he deserved to be humiliated.

*I hope Obama doesn’t appoint Robert Kennedy Jr. to head the EPA. He’s an activist, not a scientist, and he comes off as something of an alarmist. Plus, his voice annoys the hell out of me. Shouldn’t he have completed puberty by now?

*Sorry to see Gordon Smith lose his Oregon Senate seat. Smith was a reasonable Republican, moderate on issues such as gay rights. The GOP needs centrists, as much as they don’t want to acknowledge it.

*Unfortunately, Minnesota congresswoman Michelle Bachmann was re-elected. Now she’s praising Obama, though she hasn’t forgotten Joe the Opportunist.

*Rush Limbaugh called Obama a “Chicago thug” today. Welcome to exile, fat ass. (I read an interview with him recently in which he admitted to crying after his cat died. So I rescind the slur.)


7 responses to “random observations of the week that is”

  1. atlpaddy

    My feeling is that Emmanuel’s job will be to beat on congressional Democrats to stay in line and follow Obama’s lead. If that’s the case, then I’m ok with it.

  2. IC Atlanta

    The GOP didn’t defeat Gordon Smith. Oregon dems did. W is not and never was a true conservative – he was a big spender and war president more LBJ than Ron Reagan. Rahm is a dick, and also said he lied to his diary as he said to a congressional committee in the 90’s, but I didn’t know until today he fought in the Israeli army – odd man for sure.

    Mike Luckovich must be going through the toilet paper and vaseline at the offices on Marietta Street.

  3. I’ll always maintain that Bush won because he knew how to stick it to liberals. People liked that. Not really a job qualification, though.

  4. I agree about Emmanuel, but I expect to see lots of traditional political appointees.

    Robert Kennedy Jr should be kept as far from governmental power as possible.

    If you think Limbaugh is now in “exile”, you weren’t paying very good attention during the Clinton years. He won’t have direct access to the administration, but his success has never been predicated on being part of the “in” crowd. I will predict an increase in his ratings, barring likely introduction of the un-Fairness Doctrine by the Obama FCC.

  5. I can’t see Limbaugh recapturing the audience he had in the Clinton years — too much competition now, what with the Intertubes and all. But there’s always money to be made as an opposer. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert can attest.

  6. […] ATLMalcontent has a few random observations of the vote Tuesday and its aftermath. He notes the right-wing […]

  7. Someone bet $ 400 million (the most ever paid to anyone in TV or radio) on Limbaugh.

    I don’t know his ratigns from the 90’s, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he returned to that level. I only said his ratings will rise.

    I am sure Stewart and Colbert are doing well, but they are a blip on the ratings radar compared to Limbaugh.

    I am not a big Limbaugh fan, but it would be a mistake to dismiss him. Exile can be the best thing for him, like it was in the 90’s.

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