Tag: Weblogs

  • How did I end up here?

    I’ve found myself in some strange places over the years, including: Kate Jackson‘s bed, minus Kate Jackson; An “old-fashioned cross burning” at the home of Howard Stern’s favorite Klansmen, Daniel Carver. Work, not pleasure; On the telephone with Gallagher. Work, not pleasure; Reviewing Partridge Family memorabilia on a picnic table at Road Atlanta with Brian…

  • What $400 mil would buy

    Excellent column by the AJC’s Kyle Wingfield detailing what the money earmarked for an unnecessary football stadium could go toward instead:  For example, it could go to cutting property taxes. Atlanta takes in $18 million to $20 million in general funds for each mill of property taxes. (A mill equals a dollar of tax for…

  • Arizona determined to become nation’s most back-assward state

    Watch out, Alabama — Arizona’s gunning for you. Literally. The Arizona State Legislature has passed a bill allowing individuals to carry guns at public events. The bill’s passage comes less than two months after Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot during a public event in Tucson, Arizona.

  • Thoughts on the NPR scandal

    *Fired NPR exec Ron Schiller’s indulgence of Zionist conspiracies bothers me much more than his putdown of tea partiers. Though I wouldn’t go as far as Wonkette’s Ken Layne … a crumbling nation of fat slobs who ignore their kleptocrat kings and instead point their corn-dog fingers at Scary Mooslims and the “Kenyan president” and…

  • Morbidly obese gasbag plays the sloth card

    We all know Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, but unemployment compensation? The payment of unemployment benefits is almost as high as Social Security in this country.  Folks, we are not going to survive as a nation, not the way we’ve been founded, with this kind of sloth and laziness and feeding at the public…