Tag: Santorum

  • The real dividers

    The real dividers

    President Obama has been criticized for rarely engaging the county on matters of race but, seeing the nasty reaction from GOP presidential candidates to his benign comments on the Trayvon Martin case, it’s easy to understand why he tends to abstain. “Is the president suggesting if it had been a white who had been shot,…

  • The question the GOP fears most

    Which Candidate Would You Rather Have a Beer With? We hear this question every election, though, for me, there’s never been an obvious answer (save for Bob Dole). I dare you to find one person who’d choose to down a cold one with Romney or Santorum. The Anchorman would try to assure you that, even…

  • If you’re not embarrassed by Rick Santorum you’re an embarrassment

    Father Santorum plays to the crowd. Rick Santorum took a swipe at the president’s higher education push on Saturday. “President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to college,” Santorum said. “What a snob.” The GOP candidate was speaking to a crowd of Tea Party activists in Troy, Michigan.

  • Rick Santorum and Nazis

    He’s quite fond of comparing political opponents to the Third Reich, as Dana Milbank points out: His most famous episode came in 2005, when Democrats criticized Senate Republicans for threatening to do away with the filibuster. “The audacity of some members to stand up and say, ‘How dare you break this rule?’ — it’s the equivalent…

  • Why does Sarah Palin speak like a third grader?

    The idiot Palin’s response to Rick Santorum’s views on Satan “setting his sights on America” are predictably childish. And for these lame-stream media characters to get all wee-weed up about that, first you have to ask yourself, ‘Have they ever attended a Sunday school class even? Worse, she thinks she’s clever.

  • Rick Santorum not so fundamentalist about tithing

    Father Santorum adheres to fundamentalist Catholic dogma on issues like contraception but, when it comes to giving, he falls well short of the Biblical mandate to tithe 10 percent of your earnings.  In no year was charitable giving more than 3 percent of his income, and he dipped below 2 percent in one year. As…