Michael Richards is a racist jerk

Kramer may have been one of the more likable characters on TV, but the actor who played him is anything but:Michaelrichardsshow

Richards, who played the wacky Cosmo Kramer on the hit TV show “Seinfeld,” appeared onstage at the Laugh Factory in West Hollywood. Kyle Doss, an African-American, told TMZ he and some friends were in the cheap seats and he was playfully heckling Richards when suddenly, the comedian lost it.

The camera started rolling just as Richards began his attack, screaming at one of the men, “Fifty years ago we’d have you upside down with a f***ing fork up your ass.”

Richards continued, “You can talk, you can talk, you’re brave now motherf**ker. Throw his ass out. He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! He’s a nigger! A nigger, look, there’s a nigger!”

The crowd is visibly and audibly confused and upset. Richards responds by saying, “They’re going to arrest me for calling a black man a nigger.

Malcontenter Stanley Roper had his own brush with Richards back when he worked as an extra on the actor’s ill-fated follow-up to “Seinfeld.”

Once on a set i was standing leaning against the wall, he walked by and hip checked me, then looked back and glared.

Another time i was in a restaurant scene and he was doing something where he got into a fight, and kept throwing a chair inches from ny head. Then when Danny (a friend of ours) was playing a cook in a diner, he kept jumping through the little window and hitting Danny, throwing stuff all over him, just going way over the top

Then he left about 40 extras, full camera crew, and all of the directors standing around for maybe 3 hours waiting for him to stop yelling at what looked like network execs, this was right before they dropped his show.

The guy is just a high strung, egotistical asshole, the worst i ever saw out of all of those shows I worked on.


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